Colonic Hydrotherapy, Irrigation, Cleanse & Detox
Now available for bookings in the West Midlands DY8 1AB

Colonic Hydrotherapy/Colonic Irrigation/Colonic Cleanse and Detox
A practice dating from around 1500 BC, introduced by the pharaohs, the colonic therapists had the wonderful title of “the keeper of the royal rectum”.
Colonic hydrotherapy is a gentle internal bath using warm, purified water that can help to eliminate stored faecal matter, gas, mucus and toxic substances from the colon. Colonics can help tone and re-shape the colon. However, colonic hydrotherapy or also called Colonic Irrigation has a much broader effect than simply cleansing the colon.
Additional benefits can often be observed throughout the body in the form of clearer skin, more energy and fewer headaches. Patients have often found other positive side effects of treatment, citing stark improvements in their circulatory and immune systems and bloating and weight problems.
Referrals to colonic practitioners often come from alternative therapists including homoeopaths, acupuncturists and herbalists as they find that detoxifying the system using colonics leads to better results in their therapies.
Alleviate Bowel Conditions
Colonics are a proven method of cleansing the colon. They help reshape the colon, exercise its muscles and stimate the reflex points. They can help alleviate chronic bowel conditions such as constipation and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Regular patients suffering from Parkinson’s and various cancers have also found that colonics have eased some of their treatment side-effects.
Improve Overall Well-Being
A colonic can be a truly enlightening and educational experience. We will help you learn to expand your awareness of your own body by recognising signals from your abdomen and your skin. You will find that you can spot the beginnings of developing conditions through clues from your body functions. All of this helps contribute to a greater feeling of well-being throughout your daily life.
Eradicate Emotional Tension
The Solar Plexus is the emotional centre of the body and the transverse colon passes right through it. If an emotional event is left uncompleted, it often results in physical tension being stored in the solar plexus, which affects all organs of the area, including the colon. This tightening of the colon muscle results in diminished movement of faecal material in the colon, which is experienced as constipation.
To book an appointment, get in touch
Colonic Procedure
Your visit to see us will involve the taking of your medical history followed by an explanation of the procedure.
The colonic itself will take 30-45 minutes during which time water will be gently introduced into the colon via the rectum whilst your therapist uses special massage techniques to stimulate the release of stored matter. Your modesty is preserved at all times.
Herbal and probiotic implants may be used and your practitioner may advise beneficial dietary changes to further enhance your treatment. No fasting or special measures are necessary prior to a first treatment but colon cleansing programmes may be advised between sessions.
Afterwards, you’ll most likely feel lighter and enjoy a sense of well-being. As soon as the colonic is finished you can carry on with your daily routine. For some, the colonic may trigger several subsequent bowel movements for the next few hours, but there won’t be any uncontrollable urgency or discomfort. It’s also possible you may feel light-headed for a few moments following a colonic.

The Colon
The colon, large intestine or bowel is situated in the abdomen at the end portion of the human digestive tract, measuring approximately 1.5m long and 65mm in diameter. Its major functions are to eliminate waste and to conserve water and synthesize certain nutrients such as vitamin (K) and portions of vitamin (B) complex.
The colon is a major part of the excretory system, and is responsible for eliminating food and other body wastes, as well as protecting us from infection and disease. In a normal functioning colon, all this is achieved with the help of billions of friendly bacteria which inhabit the colon and make up some 70% of the dry weight of our faecal waste. However, the delicate balance of this internal ecosystem can be easily disturbed by a number of factors including stress, pollution, poor food and drink choices, certain drugs, smoking and exposure to toxic substances.
The healthy transit time of food through our bodies is less than 24 hours. On average in the U.K. it is now 60 hours for men and 70 hours for women. Waste material, especially that which has remained in the colon for some time, (i.e. impacted faeces, dead cellular tissue, accumulated mucous, parasites, worms, etc.) pose several problems. These poisons can re-enter and circulate in the blood stream making us feel ill, tired or weak. The impacted materials impair the colon’s ability to assimilate minerals and bacteria-produced vitamins. Build-up of material on the colon wall can also inhibit muscular action causing sluggish bowel movements, constipation and, in serious cases, chronic diseases.
The United Kingdom is the most constipated nation in the world and has the highest incidence of bowel cancer in the world with 20,000 new cases per year. Bowel disorders such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Colitis, Crohn’s Disease, Diverticulitis and yeast infections (Candida) are now widespread. The repercussions of a toxic bowel may be seen throughout the body system in a wide range of health problems.